Saturday, August 13, 2016

Pane Bianco

I recently received an email from King Arthur Flour announcing their new monthly Bakealong Challenge each month they release a new recipe and encourage everyone to try it out and post their results.  The first entry is Pane Bianco (italian for White Bread)...In place of the sun dried tomatoes i roasted some cherry tomatoes from the garden with a little balsamic vinegar and the rest follows the recipe as provided.  I do enjoy baking, and nothing makes the house smell better than bread in the oven...I made two loaves was split between some neighbors and another went to my parents to go with a lasagna dinner.  I asked my little taste tester next door if he liked it and he said no..he loved it, so if it gets his stamp of approval you know it has to be good.

I look forward to what they have in store for next month.

4 types of cherry tomatoes with some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper

All dough ingredients go into the mixer at the same time....

letting the gluten rest a bit before rolling it out.....

rolled out to the proper dimensions....

add the fillings....

roll, seal, slice, fold.....

and success!!!

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